There is a safety net which exists in the United States which covers those who are disabled and unable to work. In general, the basic rule one should follow when deciding whether to apply for disability is this: If Your condition has lasted or is expected to last for at least 1 year or to result in death then you should apply.
“But just being unable to work is not the only qualification. You need to be able to prove you are disabled,” said Maria, a disability attorney in Melbourne, FL. “you need to build a case just like you would a lawsuit. Essentially, you are petitioning the courts to rule that you are unable to earn and income and that you need the government’s help.”
Those who apply shouldn’t feel bad or guilty in any way. These programs are paid for by everyone as a sort-of insurance policy against this very scenario. We all hope that we won’t have to apply for disability some day but the way life unfolds, one never knows. This is why these programs are called “entitlements”. Because you are entitled to collect benefit after paying into the system for many years.
Attorneys who specialize in disability cases are unlike attorneys from other areas of law. They know how to collect your records from various doctors and put together the most comprehensive case possible. When your case goes before the administration, it should be clear and concise and make perfect sense. The easier you make the job of the professional reviewing your case the more likely you are to be approved. That is a great fundamental rule to live by when filing for disability.
You can assemble and file your case on your own but it should be noted that you only get two cracks at being approved. Your odds of being approved increase by about 50% when utilizing the services of a disability attorney as does your chances of winning on appeal.